Gulf Breeze, FL



Technician Name: Dr. Karen Cann and Denise Lebert

Services Offered: Breast Thermography, Full Body Medical Thermogaphy, STAT Service, Female Technicians

Phone Number: 850-685-3837

Online Booking: Yes

Training: Certified through PACT


Mondays thru Fridays- 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Thermography Scan, LLC
[email protected]

In 1982, the FDA approved breast thermography as an adjunctive diagnostic brease cancer screening procedure. There are over 800 peer-reviewed studies on breast thermography. When used as part of a multimodal approach a large number of cancers will be detected. In a study done by Dr. Spitaller and associates: they show that active cancer cells double in number every 90 days. At year 2, 256 cells is seen by thermography where as it takes 8 years for cancer to be seen by mammography according to this study.
Thermography is a safe and effective examination tool for early detection. Is radiation free, comfortable and pain-free, gives powerful base line information. Early risk assessment and can indicate those at a higher risk for breast cancer and other health related issues.
Your insurance may not cover this valuable test but it is very affordable. Take charge of your health. Be an informed consumer. Knowledge is power and power provides information which leads to education which breeds wisdom which in turn, liberates us. Join us in this journey to ultimate health and well-being. Health is YOUR responsibility.
“Discover the health With-In you”.
Dr. Karen Cann