Thermography Location in Pensacola

Dr. Karen Cann started seeing patients out of her thermography location in Pensacola (Gulf Breeze),  FL in the fall of 2018 performing Medical Thermography screenings. Dr. Cann is assisted by Denise L. Lebert.  Dr. Cann is a member of Breast Thermography International and is a Certified technician through the Professional Association of Clinical Thermology

thermography location in Pensacola

Her thermography location in Pensacola is operating within Dr. Cann’s primary practice called Integrative Chiropractic & Physical Therapy Solutions. Thermography screenings can be booked by calling Dr. Cann’s office. 

Thermography is a Lifesaving Technology and was introduced by Dr. Cann’s pioneering mentality to bring her thermography location in Pensacola to the public.

Thermography is a completely safe, non-contact, radiation-free screening tool that detects abnormalities in breast and body tissues. Early detection is critical to treatment options and overall prognosis. 

“Breast Thermography and full body thermography can warn individuals that a cancer, or possibly a precancerous lesion is forming” Dr. Can states.  This is why the doctor personally recommends her patients choose the full body thermography scan. “Why stop at the breast tissue?”

“An abnormal thermography test is the single most important sign of high risk for developing cancer. The abnormal breast thermography exam is 10 times more significant than a first-order family history of breast cancer.”  Breast cancer strikes one in eight American women.

Heat Reveals Disease

Thermography uses infrared imaging to detect precancerous and cancerous growths. Even the smallest tumors are characterized by increased blood flow, which generates heat. The images created by thermography reflect those telltale spikes in temperature. Thermography is 97% sensitive according to a Cornell study where 58 of 60 tumors were detected successfully.

Like mammography and other breast-imaging techniques, infrared imaging does not diagnose cancer and is used as an adjunctive screening tool along with anatomical testing. 

Only a biopsy or other diagnostic studies can create a definitive diagnosis.  It does however, indicate the presence of an abnormality. This could be cancer, fibrocystic disease, an infection, muscular dysfunction or vascular disease. It is best to rely on more than one test in the fight against cancer.