Thermography location in West Des Moines

Dr. Shannon White has been doing Medical Thermography scans in her thermography location in West Des Moines. She is available to perform scans at remote locations upon request for groups of four or more. She is a member of Breast Thermography International and a professionally certified through The Professional Academy of Clinical Thermology.

thermography location in West Des moines

Shannon is passionate about educating her community about health and alternative medicine. She performs breast thermography in her thermography location in West Des Moines, as well as full body thermography to create a baseline for overall health.

All are highly encouraged to start with a full body thermography exam to visualize the “whole picture” of your health. We recommend you first scan at 20 in order to have a baseline created.   10% of all breast cancers are in women under 40 years of age.  Thermography has the potential to see the physiological changes that start to happen in the early stages of cancer. Thermography scans are radiation free, non invasive, and safe for anyone.

Dr. Shannon is trained in homeopathy, herbs, and whole food supplements to help patients
reach their health goals. Detoxing is key to staying healthy . Our world is full of xenoestrogens
which are a cause of many cancers and health concerns in both men and women. It’s important
that we avoid products that contain them but also help the body detox them out. At our
thermography location in West Des Moines we put protocols together based on electrodermal
screening and EAV analysis to match you to the best way to reach your health goals. Let us
help you start your journey to a healthier lifestyle. Contact us at 515-267-9956 or visit us at if you are looking for a thermography location in West Des Moines or
surrounding areas.